Working in fulfillment services frequently entails being engrossed in supply chain management for most of the day. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), over five million people work in logistics industries in the United States alone.

Some jobs are more analytical — requiring a thorough dive into a company’s supply chain to find ways to improve efficiency, speed, or cost-effectiveness. Let’s look at some of the best supply chain management careers available.

1. Industry Analyst/Forecasting

Some businesses hire industry analysts to examine the supply chain management field, hoping to spot present and emerging trends and practices. This allows them to take advantage of the most recent logistical advancements in the fulfillment services industry and remain more competitive.

2. Operations Manager

Operations managers are important participants in logistics and supply chain management since a company’s operations need access to the correct supplies at the right time. Changes in how a company runs daily affect when particular goods are transported. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, operations managers make an average salary of $123,030 per year.

3. Warehousing Supervisor

As a warehouse manager, your job is to supervise the storage and supply of resources or goods. This frequently entails employing a computer-based system to track when goods arrive, where they are stored in your facility, and when they leave. Your job is to ensure that goods enter and exit the warehouse at the designated time.

4. Global Logistics Manager

Some supply chain supervisor jobs entail transferring goods worldwide. You will most likely be entrusted with developing policies and processes for transporting goods from one country to another. In this position, keeping up with global logistics and delivery regulations is essential.

5. Transportation Director

When a corporation transports its products from point A to point B, it frequently hires a transportation coordinator to oversee the operation. Depending on how the products are moved, working with freight companies, railroads, aircraft, or water transport businesses may be necessary.

If you have a bachelor’s degree in finance or business administration, you can pursue a master’s degree in logistics and eventually a doctorate.

It is feasible to improve your career goals while improving your knowledge and abilities without enrolling in further degree programs. There are certificate courses related to fulfillment services that you can pursue. Contact American Western Distribution to learn more about various logistics jobs.